Workshop – September 9-11th, 2008

Pacific Northwest Fish Screening and Passage Workshop in Salmon, ID
Agenda and Registration Form
Call for Abstracts

Invasive Species Introduction During Fish Screening and Passage Construction Activities by Eric Egbers, WDFW
Considering Stone Lickers in Fish Screen & Passage Design by Jody Brostrom, USFWS
Remote Energy Solution for Powering Fish Screens Using Hydrogen Fuel Cells by Ryan L. McCormick, ODFW
No Maintenance Fish Screens by Larry Weeks, IDFG
Variable Speed Control on Solar Powered Motor Driven Fish Screens by Mike Jensen, ODFW
Utilization of Submersible Cameras in Fish Screen Monitoring and Evaluation by Greg Lowell, IDFG
Effectiveness of Fish Screens to Reduce Entrainment and Losses of Threatened Salmonids into Irrigation Diversions on the Lemhi River by Chuck Warren, IDFG
Extreme Ice Problems with Stock Water Diversions by Chuck Simpson, ODFW

Workshop – September 20th, 2005

Fish Screening Criteria Workshop in Nampa, ID
Action Notes
Attendance Roster

Bubble Screens by Dale Gooby
Phase I Biological Performance Report – East Fork Irrigation District by J.W. Buell, Buell & Associates, Inc.
CTWS Comments on Phase I Biological Performance Report
Draft Evaluation of Overshot Horizontal Flat Plate Fish Screen by Richard E. Craven, Craven Consulting
Operation, Siting, and Design Criteria for Farmers Screen