Workshop – September 14-17th, 2015

Northwest Fish Screen & Passage Workshop in Upper Salmon Basin, Idaho

State of the States – Idaho Perspective by Paddy Murphy, IDFG
State of the States – Oregon Perspective
State of the States – Washington Update by Tim Burns, WDFW
USFWS Program Updates
Fish Passage and Screening- Field Operations & Maintenance, Resource Planning, Scheduling & Work Processes by Mark Briggs, BOR
Fish Screen Major Rebuild & Rehabilitation by Jason Hennessey, BOR
The Early History of Fish Screening in Washington 1905-1955 by John A. Easterbrooks and Chuck Lenberg, WDFW
WDFW Fish Screening Operations & Maintenance Update by Ray Gilmour, WDFW
Water Over Hydraulic Fish Screening by Bob Haverfield and Scott Brons, WDFW
Farmers Screen – Learning from Algae, Ice, and Other Challenges by Les Perkins, FCA
Drewsey Reclamation Fish Screening and Passage Facility by Pete Baki, ODFW
Continuous Drive Panel Cleaner by Josh Kelsey, ODFW
Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention by Steve Haverfield and Mike Maier, WDFW
Restoration of Chinook Salmon in Patterson Big Springs Creek by Wendy Davis, IDFG
Evaluating Potential Entrainment Losses Using PIT Tag Arrays by Mike Biggs, IDFG
The Situation at Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery by Steve Croce, USFWS
The Challenges of Implementing Fish Screens on Pressurized Irrigation Systems by Paddy Murphy, IDFG
Hawley Creek Closed Pipeline Screen by Jared Bragg, IDFG

Posted in Workshops.